Sunday, December 2, 2012

Link Building Strategy - Should I Go For Quantity Or Quality?

Why quality is better

One of the questions I see being asked so often when it comes to link building is: should I go for quality or quantity? This seems to trip people up so often because it is so much easier to obtain a link from a site with a page rank of 1 or 2 than a site with a page rank of 6 or 7. This may be so, after all there are probably billions more pages with a rank of 0 or 1 than 6 or 7. The answer is probably one that you already know the answer to.

In Google's eyes (or spiders) relevancy and quality is how they are able to deliver search results in such a short period of time. They don't want to deliver just any result with the keyword in it, that wouldn't give their service such a high demand. Instead, site relevancy and page rank is how the user gets his or her content delivered, and up until now it's worked very well for Google.

Having a site linking back to yours from a completely different niche wouldn't mean as much as a site pointing back to yours from another within the same niche, it just doesn't make sense. As an example, you could have a site about the importance of flossing and another site about a football player who got his teeth knocked out. Yes, they both have teeth in common, but neither site is really relevant to the other. Similarly, Google wouldn't give this relationship much merit.

On the contrary, a site with similar page rank as either of the two above, but within the same niche, would have a much better outcome in the search results of Google for a term within that niche. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, obtaining links with higher page rank from sources within your same market will outperform those that have more links with lower page ranks from sources beyond your market. Once you take the time to understand what link building is and how page rank affects you ranking, you will be very hesitant to spend time trying to receive links from low PR sites.

Link building, in general, can be a time consuming process. Wouldn't you rather take your time in picking out highly relevant sites to link from versus spending your valuable time soliciting from sources that won't get you very far? After all, the point of organically ranking is to save you time and money, neither of which you will have if you target quantity over quality.

Bad Links You're Not Thinking Of   Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   


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