There is a huge obsession amongst webmasters with getting links for their sites. The funny thing is most don't seem to understand just why they need them. They have this idea that it helps their sites to rank better in the search engines and it does, but they are not clear on just how it helps them. The result is that they often spend their time getting the wrong links and not getting the results that they hoped for.
It is well known that the search engine use links as a way to determine how sites should rank in their results. This is why people make such a big deal out of them, a top five search result is critical if you want to get traffic to your site. It is important to understand how the search engines use links as a way to rank sites and why. This will help to explain why getting a whole bunch of links from places like forums and blog comments has limited value.
The reason that the search engines use links as a way to determine how sites should rank is that their algorithm can't assess quality. Computers can't make a judgement call like that. Since the goal of the search engines is to provide the best quality results to their users this presents a problem. In order to get around it they use the links that are pointing at a site as a way to assess the quality of the site. This is why where the links come from is so important.
The search engines use links to assess the quality of a site because they believe that people are more likely to link to good sites than they are to bad ones. They also believe that good quality sites are more likely to link to other good quality sites than they are to poor quality ones. This is why links from the best sites are worth the most and the ones that come from places like blog comments are of little value.
The other reason that links that come from blog comments and forums are of so little value is that anybody can get them. The search engines are well aware that people build links to their own sites. Since they can't put a stop to it they have done the next best thing, they have made the links that are hard to get much more valuable than the ones that can be easily acquired. This is why links that appear in the text of a government owned website are the ones that are worth the most, the only way to get them is to have a site that offers top quality information.
Bad Links You're Not Thinking Of Creating Quality Links to Your Website Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link? Google Algorithm and the Missing Links Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links
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